Marriage events media roundup

Here's a roundup of the media coverage of last night's marriage equality events in Knoxville and Nashville.

Knoxville:  The Knoxville rally took place at the Sunsphere and was covered by WATE at this link.  Here are some photos of the event linked from Twitter.  For more Twitter posts, look for the tag #NotDoneTilDayOne .

via @jimmy2fix  



via @KnoxYoungDems  

Nashville:  Nashville advocates met at OutCentral and heard from Abby Rubenfeld, one of the attorneys in the Tennessee marriage case.  Channel 5's coverage can be found at this linkFox 17's coverage can be found at this link

An image of Abby speaking to the group  

It was a great evening around Tennessee.  Even though the Supreme Court has not yet decided to take up our state's case, we are hopeful it will happen next week.  We are ready for DAY ONE. 

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