Sandy Kozik

  • Censure Commissioner Hurst, make Sevier County policies inclusive

    The racist and homophobic comments of Sevier County Commissioner Warren Hurst have shocked people across the country.  Please, add your name to protest his divisive words and call for policy change in Sevier County, Tennessee.  We will deliver your signatures to the Sevier County Government in November at the next county commission meeting.

    1,742 signatures

    To the Honorable Larry Waters, Mayor of Sevier County, and to the honorable members of the Sevier County Commission:

    Calls have gone out across the country for Commissioner Warren Hurst to resign over his racist and homophobic comments. While that decision is in his hands, we call on you to censure him by resolution of the Sevier County Commission and to update the employment non-discrimination policy of Sevier County Government to protect county employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression.  We urge you to make this policy change by executive order immediately, to be followed by a confirming ordinance or resolution of the County Commission. 

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  • commented on YOUR Districts 2017-06-05 12:24:44 -0500
    29 & 90 DeBerry

    YOUR Districts

    Tell us your state senate and state house districts.  Note:  We are NOT asking for your U.S. Senate and U.S. House districts (the elected officials who meeting in Washington, D.C. ).  We are asking about your elected officials you meet in Nashville--your state senator and your state representative.  You can find them at this link by entering your street address.

    So tell us your state senator and your state representative as well as your email address.  Thank you!

    Send feedback

  • donated 2024-04-13 05:57:51 -0500

    Resisting Discrimination All Year

    1315 donors
    50 donors


    The signs are clear.  We will face challenges to the legal and social equality we have achieved in the coming years.  The forces of reaction at the national and state level are strong.  But YOU can help us fight back all year with a sustaining, monthly investment in our work.  Monthly giving is the best option for most budgets and it provides TEP with a reliable source of revenue for the battles we face throughout the year.

    Although your gift is not deductible for purposes of federal income tax, it has the advantage of supporting direct lobbying and legislative organizing to protect Tennessee's LGBT community.  Please, consider starting your monthly investment today.  We are grateful for your support.

    If you prefer to make a ONE-TIME donation to TEP, you can do so here.


  • posted about Stop using religion to discriminate in Tennessee on Facebook 2016-04-26 13:59:53 -0500
    I'm tired of religion being used to discriminate in Tennessee. Aren't you?

    Stop using religion to discriminate in Tennessee


    On April 18, 2016 about 30 pastors shamefully stood in Legislative Plaza and spoke in favor of the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  And religion was used to advance the counseling discrimination bill.  Many more clergy across Tennessee publicly opposed both bills.

    Whether you're religious or not, aren't you tired of religion being used to support discrimination in our laws?  If so, endorse this statement:

    We oppose the use of religion to justify discrimination in Tennessee law.  To use religion to divide us in our public life violates the spirit of the U.S. and Tennessee Constitutions, does harm to the people of Tennessee, and brings scandal to religion.


  • VETO Hate Bill 1840, the Counseling Discrimination bill


    Please, add your voice and urge Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to veto this discriminatory bill.

    4,242 signatures

    Dear Governor Haslam,

    We urge you to veto HB1840, which allows counselors to turn away clients based on the counselor's biases and values.  This bill puts the focus on the desires of counselors rather than on the needs of clients, damaging the counseling profession and putting clients at risk. 

    An anti-bullying amendment was stripped from the bill in the House Health Committee leaving youth vulnerable in areas where mental health services are not widely available.

    Thank you for considering our views.

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  • signed Governor Haslam, Fight for trans students and against SB2387/HB2414 2016-03-21 23:12:35 -0500
    For Heaven’s sake, please keep working to stop this craziness over bathrooms and then see if we can’t do something about not having a “state gun.” Tennessee is getting really bad press over this silliness.

    Governor Haslam, Fight for trans students and against SB2387/HB2414

    Please, join us in encouraging Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam to fight against this attack on transgender students.

    984 signatures

    Dear Governor Haslam,

    We call on you to do everything in your power to lobby against passage of SB2387/HB2414, the anti-transgender student bathroom bill.  We also ask that you VETO the bill if it reaches your desk. 

    The bill endangers vulnerable students and it risks significant U.S. Department of Education funds to Tennessee.  If this bill became law, the enforcement would be a nightmare for school districts across the state. 

    Show the world that Tennessee is a welcoming state.  Thank you for considering our views.

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